10 Known Triggers Of Gout Attacks
Gout is a type of arthritis that is caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the body, a condition called hyperuricemia, though not everyone with hyperuricemia will develop gout. Although it can happen to anyone, it is more common in men. However, by avoiding the things that trigger gout attacks, people can virtually eliminate the pain and discomfort that accompany this condition.
Over-Strenuous Exercise
There is no doubt that exercise can benefit everyone, including those who have gout. However, experts recommend against overly strenuous exercise for those with gout. There are two reasons for this. The first is that extremely strenuous exercise can lead to dehydration, which is also a gout trigger. Overly strenuous exercise also increases the risk of injury, which is another gout trigger. The best plan is to stick to a moderate exercise program.
Illness Or Infection
It is well known to the medical community that those who have gout and suffer from frequent illnesses or infections experience more gout attacks, but the reason for this remains a mystery. There is evidence that links gout to certain medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, leukemia, lymphoma and psoriasis, but it is clear that additional research is needed to shed more light on this phenomena.
Joint Injury
Because gout affects the joints, most commonly the joints in the big toes, joint injuries can initiate a gout attack. Injured joints seem to make the ideal place for extra uric acid to collect because a slight inflammatory response to an injury, which is exactly what the body is supposed to do to heal, also brings more uric acid to the site. To make things worse, these types of gout attacks tend to last for a longer period of time than others, often several weeks.
Keeping the body hydrated and the kidneys functioning properly goes a long way toward preventing gout attacks. Dehydration leads to decreased urination and excess uric acid is excreted from the body in urine. So when a person becomes dehydrated, the level of uric acid in the body will rise and can lead to a gout attack. For those who are going to be in a situation where dehydration is possible, such as when exercising or when working in the yard, it's important that they have water on hand to stay hydrated.
There are a number of factors surrounding surgery that can lead to a gout attack. The first is that people are usually told not to eat or drink for 8-12 hours before surgery. This can cause uric acid levels in the body to rise and bring on a gout attack. The second is the body's own inflammatory response. Surgery produces this response when the body begins to heal itself and it can play a role in gout attacks.
Sudden Weight Loss
Sudden weight loss, often the result of crash dieting or other diets, such as the low-carb, high protein diets, can cause ketone levels in the body to rise. Ketones compete with uric acid to be excreted from the body, often winning out. This can cause excess uric acid to accumulate in the body and increase the likelihood of a gout attack. If someone is trying to lose a few pounds and that person also has gout, a reduced calorie, balanced diet that is low in purines is the best choice to keep uric acid levels under control.
Weight Gain
Being overweight poses a number of health problems for everyone, but for those with gout it also increases the chance for a gout flare. The reason is that the extra weight causes the body to produce extra uric acid and blocks the excretion of uric acid from the body and as the level of uric acid in the body increases, so does the likelihood of gout attacks.
Some Medications
There are certain medications that those with gout are advised not to take, and they don't all require prescriptions. Things like over-the-counter diuretics and aspirin have been shown to increase gout attacks. Regular strength aspirin can drive up the uric acid levels in the body and diuretics flush water from the body, blocking the excretion of uric acid. For those who take a low dose aspirin for their heart or diuretics for blood pressure or other heart concerns, it wouldn't be advisable to stop without a doctor's approval, but instead try and reduce other risk factors for gout attacks.
Stress causes a number of negative things to happen in the body, and among those is increasing the risk for gout attacks. The exact mechanism that causes this is still a bit of a mystery and there are a number of theories on the subject. One is that stress depletes the body's level of pantothenic acid, also known as B5, which is also necessary in the excretion of uric acid from the body; therefore, some suggest supplementing B5 to avoid this. Others theorize that stress causes people to neglect their health in ways that can contribute to gout attacks, such as drinking alcohol or eating less than healthy foods. Whatever the cause, there is a definite link between stress and gout flares.
Purine-Rich Diet
Purines are a major culprit in gout attacks. So what are purines? They are compounds that are found in certain foods that, when broken down by the body, create uric acid. This is the reason that those who are diagnosed with gout are advised to follow a "gout diet", although with the creation of new gout medications, this diet isn't as restricted as it used to be. Purines are found in animal-based proteins such as red meat, organ meat, some types of fish, meat extracts (such as soups) and in yeast products like beer and baked goods.
Gout can be quite painful, but with proper management and understanding what triggers gout attacks, those afflicted with gout can lead normal, relatively pain free lives
Gout can strike at any time, anywhere. It can wake you up in the middle of the night, making the bed sheets feel more like a blanket of knives. It causes pain, redness and swelling of the joints and when an episode strikes, it may be best to take matters into your own hands. The next time a gout flare-up occurs, try some of these home remedies to relieve the pain.
Remedies From The Pantry
Gout is caused by a build-up of uric acid in the joints. When too much uric acid is present in the blood, it will crystallize and collect in the joints, causing pain, inflammation and redness in the affected area. But how does excess uric acid build up in the first place?
Uric acid is a by-product of purines, a substance found in many foods including meats, seafood and even some vegetables. While avoiding these foods can help to prevent gout flare-ups, some preliminary research has shown that some fruits may also be able to ease the symptoms of gout. Although more research is needed, it certainly can’t hurt to incorporate these fruits into your diet during a flare-up:
- Cherries – Some studies have linked cherries with lower uric acid levels in the blood, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that cherries can help prevent gout pain. However, the antioxidants in cherries and other dark-colored fruits such as blackberries, blueberries and raspberries can remove toxins in the body, making them a good supplement to gout treatment.
- Citrus fruits – Vitamin C may also lower levels of uric acid in the blood, however, high levels of it can actually increase uric acid production. So before you eat a basketful of oranges, find out what the proper dosage of vitamin C is from your doctor.
- Apples – Apple preserves in particular can neutralize uric acid in the body. If you don’t have any on hand, you can make some by simmering sliced and peeled apples for about three hours.
Both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee have been linked to lower uric acid levels as well, so you may want to have an extra cup in the morning to relieve gout pain. If you prefer tea, steep some thyme, which can remove uric acid crystals from the joints, in boiling water.
(For a list of foods to avoid with gout, read List Of Gout Foods To Avoid.)
Oftentimes, a little bit of spice can go a long way in reducing the symptoms of gout. But you don’t need to ingest it in order for it to work. You can also try these old-fashioned plasters made from spices and water:
- Mustard plaster – Mix one tablespoon of mustard powder or crushed mustard seeds with one tablespoon of wheat flour and a little bit of water to make a paste. Apply some petroleum jelly on the affected area first, then rub in the mustard plaster. Cover the area with gauze and leave it on for several hours or overnight.
- Chicory poultice – Mix an ounce of chicory root with a pint of boiling water and apply it to the affected area. You can also drink the mixture as is or mix it with coffee.
Don’t Put Weight On The Joint
Gout can develop in any joint in the wrists, fingers, elbows, knees and ankles. When a flare-up does occur, it’s important to keep all pressure off the joint so as not to make the pain worse. That means staying off your feet if the pain is in your legs or toes and not leaning on or lifting anything heavy if the pain is in your arms or fingers. During a gout flare-up, which can last anywhere between 3 and 10 days, be sure to take these precautions:
- Keep the joint elevated – Slowing blood flow to the affected area will help to reduce inflammation and pain.
- Don’t use heat or ice – When people are in pain, they usually reach for a heating pad or an ice pack in the hopes that it will relax their muscles and reduce inflammation. While this can work for some conditions, it does not work for gout. Heat can actually speed up blood flow, which increases inflammation, and cold temperatures can increase the rate of uric acid crystallization.
Protect Your Toes
Since cold temperatures can exacerbate gout flare-ups, it’s important to keep your extremities warm. It’s especially important since the area that is most commonly affected by gout is the big toe. According to Discovery Health, 75 percent of people who have gout will experience it in their big toe. For that reason, it’s important to protect your toes by wearing socks and comfortable shoes. If your shoes are narrow, they can pinch your toes, making the gout pain worse.
Pop A Pill
When all else fails, it may be in your best interest to take a nonprescription pill. Ibuprofen can provide some relief and is recommended over aspirin, which can worsen symptoms when taken in low doses. If you prefer a natural alternative, take a fish oil supplement, which can reduce inflammation. Be sure to avoid nonprescription diuretics as they can prevent you from excreting uric acid. (To learn more about managing pain caused by gout, see Gout Pain Management: Guidelines And Recommendations.)
So the next time your gout flares up, use these options to help relieve symptoms in your own home. Keep in mind, these tips on how to relieve gout pain at home are not meant to substitute medical care from your physician or professional health care practitioner.
- Discovery Health
- Mayo Clinic
Pemakanan bagi Pesakit Gout
Gout merupakan satu bentuk artritis yang akut menyebabkan kesakitan teruk dan bengkak pada bahagian sendi. Ia disebabkan oleh pengumpulan asid urik yang tinggi di dalam badan.
Asid urik terbentuk daripada pemecahan purin yang terdapat dalam kebanyakan tisu manusia dan makanan. Kebiasaannya, purin larut di dalam darah dan dikumuhkan di dalam air kencing. Pengambilan diet yang tinggi kandungan purin mungkin merupakan salah satu sebab peningkatan asid urik di dalam darah.
Sumber protein dalam diet terutamanya daging merah dan makanan laut, mengandungi purin yang boleh meningkatkan risiko pembentukan gout.
Sekiranya anda menghidapi gout, anda mungkin perlu mengurangkan pengambilan makanan yang tinggi kandungan purin. Saranan bagi pengambilan makanan yang tinggi kandungan purin adalah di antara 100-150 mg/ hari. Makanan dibahagikan kepada 3 kumpulan dalam pengurusan penyakit ini iaitu :
-Tinggi kandungan purin : Makanan dalam kumpulan ini perlu dielakkan
-Sederhana kandungan purin : Makanan dalam kumpulan ini perlu dihadkan
-Rendah kandungan purin : Makanan yang boleh diambil mengikut keperluan normal.
Sila rujuk gambar bagi mengetahui sumber purin dalam makanan
List Of Gout Foods To Avoid
January 30, 2012
Gout is a particularly painful type of arthritis caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood. The uric acid eventually causes crystals to form around joints in the body, which is what makes it such a painful condition to have. Fortunately, there are several medications that can be prescribed to help alleviate the symptoms of the disease and prevent further crystals from forming. However, the medications are usually given along with several dietary restrictions. Without a change in diet, the medications alone may not be enough to treat the disease. That's why individuals suffering from gout must be very careful about what they eat. Read on to learn more about making healthy food choices to treat or prevent gout.
What To Avoid
Because uric acid is produced as the body is breaking down purines in the body, it's important to avoid foods which contain excess amounts of this compound. Some of these foods include seafood, meat and alcohol. Avoiding foods that are particularly high in purines is a great way to help treat the condition because it keeps uric acid at a normal level. It's especially important to avoid the following foods which are high in purines:
- Seafood: Almost all types of seafood contain high levels of purine, so it's best to avoid these foods whenever possible. Most doctors recommend that you limit your daily intake of seafood to four to six ounces. During a flare-up of gout, it's wise to avoid seafood altogether until the symptoms subside. Some good choices when you do want seafood are small portions of scallops, salmon, shrimp, crab, eel or lobster. However, it's best to avoid herring, anchovies and tuna entirely because they have so much purine; even small portions of these types of seafood can lead to gout attacks.
- Meat: Choosing meats to eat is very tricky when you're on a restricted gout diet. In general, white meat is a better choice than red meat. However, there are some exceptions. Beef and pork are slightly less dangerous than turkey, goose or lamb, for example, while chicken and duck tend to be the safest choices meat-wise. However, be sure to limit your meat intake to less than six ounces per day, and cut back even further if you are experiencing problems with your gout.
- Alcohol: Beer is especially bad for those with gout since it increases uric acid levels significantly. Like with seafood, very small portions of alcohol can be tolerated, but it's wise to keep a close eye on whether drinking aggravates the symptoms of the condition. In general, a small portion of wine is preferable to a bottle of beer. If a flare-up occurs, avoid alcohol until it subsides.
- Sugary drinks: Basically any drink with high fructose corn syrup, like sodas and fruit drinks, can potentially make gout worse. That's because the sweeteners cause the body to up its production of uric acid. It's best to stick to unsweetened drinks and water to be safe.
- Certain veggies: Not all vegetables are bad for someone with gout, but a few should be eaten very sparingly. Those veggies are asparagus, spinach, mushrooms and cauliflower, all of which have especially high purine levels. Though not as dangerous as seafood or meats, it's still important to monitor your intake of these vegetables if you have gout.
What To Eat
There are some foods with lower purine levels that are great for people with gout. Additionally, some practices may help get rid of any extra purines in the body. It's important to keep in mind that some of the recommended foods for this condition are simply healthy foods that are meant to prevent obesity - a common cause of gout. The following foods are optimal choices for individuals suffering from gout:
- Legumes: Because major protein sources like meat and seafood are largely off limits on a gout diet, legumes offer a great way to get that needed protein without the harmful side effects. Chickpeas, split peas, green peas, black beans and lentils are all healthy options when looking for legumes to add to your diet.
- Vegetables: Interestingly, it's the starchy veggies like potatoes, butternut squash and sweet potatoes that are the best vegetable options for those with gout. Baking, boiling, mashing or grilling are all healthy options for preparing these delicious veggies as part of a meal.
- Low-Fat Dairy: Reduce your risk of gout or prevent symptoms from reoccurring by choosing low-fat or fat-free dairy products. Skim milk and low-fat yogurt are two excellent options in this category.
- Fruits: Fruits are rich in antioxidants, which may help reduce the appearance of symptoms related to gout. Although citrus fruits, berries and apples all contain a significant amount of antioxidants, cherries seem to be the top option when it comes to fruits that help with gout.
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